
Meet the Team


Director / Instructor

As a young dancer, Megan always struggled with back pain and knee injuries. She first started Pilates when she undertook some Mat and one-on-one Reformer classes at the dance studio she attended. She noticed a difference in her posture and a reduction in her pain levels straight away!

At the age of 16, Megan knew that dance was something she wanted to pursue, and so she began studying a BA in Dance Performance at the Adelaide College of the Arts. Majoring in contemporary dance, the course had a strong focus on anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics. While completing the course, she continued with her Pilates training.

After finishing her BA, Megan was offered a professional dance contract to work in Taiwan, and then went on to spend the next few years contracted as a dancer on board Carnival Cruise Lines America. Due to tight scheduling and multiple performances, the dancers weren’t given much time to look after their bodies. When she returned home, she resumed her Pilates classes and noticed that her body felt better than ever.

It was then that Megan decided that Pilates was something she wanted to do for the rest of her life. She completed her Pilates instructor course in 2013, and hasn’t looked back since. After lots of hard work in the industry, alongside sister Clancy, Megan was able to open her own studio. And so in 2018, FORM was born.

Megan is very proud of the FORM studio and is grateful every day that she gets to do what she loves. Pilates has had such a big impact on her life and she hopes to continue to share the benefits of Pilates with everyone.


Director / Instructor

Clancy first fell in love with Pilates as a young dancer, when she was always encouraged to practice mat Pilates to manage her scoliosis. From then on, Pilates became a part of Clancy’s weekly routine, and she found that it always left her feeling amazing.

Clancy went on to study a BA in Dance Performance at Adelaide College of the Arts. Throughout her dance study, Pilates remained a big part of her life, and it was during this course that she completed modules in anatomy, kinesiology and biomechanics – which furthered her interest in the human body.

After graduating in 2010, Clancy was fortunate to work in the dance industry for a few years, dancing for the Australian Dance Theatre, Daniel Jaber and even travelling to London, Malaysia and around Australia in her profession as a contemporary dancer. Although she loved dance, she craved a little more stability in her life. This feeling eventually drew her to study Pilates in 2013.

Once Clancy began working in the Pilates industry, she realised that all her passions had merged into this dream career as a Pilates instructor, a profession that enables her to help others in a significant way whilst also moving her body each day. Clancy really hasn’t looked back since!

Opening FORM in 2018 alongside sister Megan has been such a highlight for Clancy, who finds it incredibly rewarding to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of so many people from so many different walks of life. Clancy believes that Pilates is for any BODY – and if you haven’t tried it before, she strongly suggests you give it a go. The benefits are vast and indescribable, and it’s a way you can keep your body strong, fit and healthy for the rest of your life!



Marie has been high energy since the moment she entered the world (who’d have thought?!). She struggles to sit still and to focus, and finds it hard to connect her mind with her body because she’s a busy gal with a busy mind. Enter Pilates. Marie says this discipline has truly changed her at her core (pun intended).

Marie started taking Pilates classes after a hip injury when she was quite young, but forgot about it quickly – her hip was successfully rehabilitated, and she was far too busy being young and not listening to her body.

In her twenties, Marie was working as a creative director, and in general felt unfulfilled in life. She could barely find the time to exercise (which incidentally seemed to be the one thing that would spark any kind of joy). She would go running when she could find the time, but was constantly plagued by injury. Marie needed something that could slow her down, repair her body, and challenge her enough to keep her interested. She decided to give Pilates another go.

Marie had my initial assessment with Megan, her now boss, mentor and very close friend. That one hour changed Marie’s life. Following that assessment, she decided to quit her job and pursue a career that would bring her happiness. In 2016, she became a Pilates instructor.

Marie truly believes that Pilates is a gift. She loves the inclusive, multi-faceted nature of the method and its emphasis on physical movement with intention. Marie has a real love and curiosity for injury rehabilitation, and nothing is more fulfilling to her than seeing my clients progress pain free, with a real confidence and appreciation of the wonders their bodies are capable of. Marie’s clients are her pride and joy, her colleagues, her idols and her buddies. Today, Marie’s life sparks so much joy – and she feels honoured to help others find the same joy in their every day and within themselves.



Fresh out of school, Brooke went straight into the mining industry, were she worked for seven years. During this time, her fitness routine involved a lot of HIIT training and other forms of exercise that were really hard on her joints. Brooke was constantly back and forth to the Physio trying to get some kind of relief so she could keep up her daily training. This was when Brooke was first introduced to Pilates.

Brooke fell in love with the practice of Pilates! She switched up her training from the fast and quick HIIT-style movements to the slower more controlled Pilates movements, and her body couldn’t have responded any better to the change.

During her last year in mining, Brooke completed all the elements of Pilates (Mat work, Reformer and Clinical), as well as a Certificate 4 in fitness. From here, she started working with Megan, Clancy and Marie in a previous business, before moving over to FORM Pilates and Barre when they opened in 2018.

During Brooke’s second year at FORM, in February 2019, she and her partner welcomed a beautiful baby girl, whilst still working in Pilates all the way through. Brooke cannot recommend Pilates more highly for pregnancy, noticing how quickly it helped her get her strength and figure back.

For Brooke, Pilates is such a big part of her life. She practices it every day to keep her muscles strong and her body aligned and mobile.



Tilly first took up Pilates when she was performing ballet as a young teen. Unexpectedly, she found that Pilates contains all the best bits of ballet: strength, control and mobility – without the injuries. Tilly says that her body has never felt better since adopting Pilates into her regular routine.

After leaving school and not being able to pursue a dance career due to injury, Tilly felt lost – not knowing what she wanted to do as a career. She tried few different pathways within the health industry, but didn’t feel passionate enough about them. She had attended FORM as a client and found it to be a supportive and positive environment which caused her pre-existing love for Pilates and Barre grow.

Tilly undertook her Pilates diploma in 2019 and hasn’t looked back since. As an instructor, she loves helping people achieve their goals and improving their quality of life through movement. Tilly has since learned that the functionality of Pilates means that even in injury rehabilitation, you can get in a great workout without compromising injuries or the body in general. This is something that Tilly really values. She believes that Pilates is for everybody, and the benefits are limitless. Being a Pilates instructor is Tilly’s dream job and she couldn’t love her job more if she tried!



Jess discovered clinical Pilates in 2010 and has been passionate about this functional movement ever since. Pilates has seen her through multiple injuries and mental health struggles, always guiding her back to health and happiness.

After completing a BA of Management and working in the corporate world, Jess was feeling uninspired. She decided to follow her passion in 2019 and study a Diploma of Contemporary Pilates through Tensegrity Training / Queen Street Pilates. She is always looking for new ways to blend traditional Pilates methods with modern approaches that keep clients engaged and coming back to class.

Jess’ favourite part of teaching is watching clients gain strength and build their confidence and self-esteem in the process. Jess believes that once you have developed a regular Pilates practice, you will have it for life – no matter what life throws at us.